Wallpapers & Fabrics
Wallpapers & Fabrics
Having been Established for over 200 years, Perkins Stockwell have developed strong relationships with many well regarded fabric and wallpaper designers including Harlequin, Prestigious Textiles, Casamance, Iliv, Voyage and more.
We supply fabric alone or assist in the making up of your item too. We can incorporate beautiful trimmings, curtain poles, finials and accessories leading designers.
Our wallpaper samples are almost endless, we have something for everyone whether you’re looking to update your kitchen, lounge, nursery or a bathroom we can help. We can supply traditional styles by Morris & Co or Sanderson to more contemporary styles by designers such as Brian Yates or Scion. Are you looking to make a statement? Then take a look our wall murals by Rebel Walls! We really do have the wall covering to suit every interior.
Our Leicester based show room is jam packed with sample books to enable you to find your desired design. Come and see us and grab some inspiration whilst you’re here or contact us with any enquires. We look forward to helping you.